Mission:One Life, One Goal - Part 1: A Circle of Trouble

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Part 1: A Circle of Trouble

One Life, One Goal
Part 1: A Circle of Trouble


You. I can smell it on you, the lack of morality, the desire to take what you want. Perfect... perfect! I am Alastor, and as you can see, I am quite... dead.

You do not need to concern yourself regarding my fate, just know that what caused my death will not impede you. I speak with you today to see if you and I can form an alliance of a sort.

I was once quite powerful, back during my lifetime. Now, I have nothing, except my vengeance and a desire to see one of my greatest projects put to use. If you aid me, I promise you the prospect of great power, more than you've ever dreamed of!

  • Agree to form a strike force

Mission Acceptance

Excellent! Now, allow me to explain. Many years ago, I, along with several colleagues, created powerful obelisks. They were infused with the ability to absorb the power of others. Naturally, this was rather... frowned upon.

Those who were against this slaughtered myself and my colleagues before we could even use the obelisks. We knew of their plot and attempted to hide the obelisks. In my dying moments, they claimed to have destroyed them all.

However, I know of at least one that remains! I believe the unearthing of this obelisk is what stirred my spirit to life. It is in possession of the Oranbegans, the Circle of Thorns. I do not know how they intend to use it, but I will not have those fools trifle with my magics!

The lair where they keep this obelisk is within Paragon City. Go there and find the obelisk, and use their magics to transport it back here. Then, you and I shall finally put this obelisk to use!

Unnecessary Solicitation

Hurry! My entire life went into the creation of that obelisk, I cannot lose it now!

Mission Objective(s)

You see bodies of mages strewn across the floor. It looks like someone else is aware of this obelisk.

  • Retrieve Alastor's Obelisk
    • Find the Obelisk
    • Speak with Kal'Mant
    • Get out of the caverns before they collapse!

You discovered that the obelisk was stolen by the Lost and the Igneous!


Notable NPCs

  • Kal'Mant

If the character tells Kal'Mant that he or she doesn't work with the Circle, this clue is received:

Free Agent

You confronted the mage who had asked for your help deep within Oranbega.

You refused to work together with the Circle of Thorns, causing Kal'Mant to attack you!

Editor's Note:

After defeating Kal'Mant, Minions of Igneous spawn and you have 2 minutes to escape the map. The door you entered the mission through is blocked, but there is another door (in the rock) in the same room as the entrance that takes you to another floor where the true exit is.


What?! The Circle have lost my obelisk?! You say it was stolen by these rock people?! My life's work, taken in the night by some idiotic piles of rubble! This is all the fault of those plebians who believed that such an item would be devastating to wield.

They could not understand what it would mean for the world, that we would take the gods themselves off of their mighty seats of power! No longer would we have to bow down to anyone, the power would be in our hands!

The greatest regret of my after-life, aside from the fact that I was killed, of course, is that I never had the chance to see my life's work in action. All is not lost, however. We will simply track down these Igneous, retrieve the obelisk, and unleash its power on the world!