Mission:Ginger Yates - Go to Founders' Falls and defeat as many Devouring Earth minions as you can find

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Go to Founders' Falls and defeat as many Devouring Earth minions as you can find (36-40)


The folks over in Founders' Falls think they may have to pave over Hutchinson Park. The area over there is so green and lush, it's become a magnet for Devouring Earth creatures. I think I've got another solution to their problem. I want you to head over the Founders' Falls and defeat as many Devouring Earth minions as you can find. If we can convince the Devouring Earth that Founders' Falls isn't the place for them, maybe it won't have to be turned into a parking lot.

Mission Acceptance

Hutchinson Park is a beautiful place; I'd hate to see it covered in asphalt.

Unnecessary Solicitation

There are still Devouring Earth creatures roaming free in Founders' Falls.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Battle DE in Founders' Falls
    • Defeat 40 Devouring Earth

You have discouraged the Devouring Earth from frequenting Hutchinson Park in Founder's Falls.


Devouring Earth


Well done! You know, one of my best friends got married in Hutchinson Park. I'm sure she'll be delighted to know that you've saved it from becoming a concrete hole.