Talk:Bronze Class Recipe Roll

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Uncommon to Rare Ratio

I just noticed, this page says that the Uncommon to Rare ration is about 5:1, but the main Ticket Vendor page says 8:1. Anyone know which is correct?

My testing (since purged from the Forums :( ) showed a 6.65 uncommon to rare ratio, with enough margin for eroor that it could be either. The truth is that with drop weighting we dont have a good idea right now. I'm hoping that with Archies ongoing dropstats analysis, we will have a much better feel for the ratio for Pool A. Catwhoorg 14:34, 13 November 2009 (UTC)

I had a feeling that might be the case. I'm going to update both pages to reflect this and for consistency. CmdrAdeon 22:56, 13 November 2009 (UTC)