Darla Mavis

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Darla Mavis


Darla Mavis is a villain contact in Nerva Archipelago. Her level range is 25-29.


Former Heroine

As the heroine Maverick, Darla Mavis fought evil in the ranks of Longbow. Until friendly fire from a Sapper stole her powers, that is. Now, Darla styles herself Dark Maverick, and she's dedicated to nothing more than revenge against her former friends. Working with Darla is a good way to find yourself in plenty of dangerous situations, but it's also a good way to build reputation.

Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)

Get your sorry self out of my face. Go talk to Psymon Omega if you want an introduction. Word is that he's a master psychic who can read minds. In any case, he's looking for someone who can help with his agenda—whatever that is. I sincerely hope it leads you to your doom. Psymon's got Mutant and Magic enhancements.

Psymon can be a bit arrogant, but as long as you don't cross him he won't melt your mind!


Villain. Guess I thought I'd be seeing you eventually. Your stock's been on the rise quite a bit lately, but I can help you turn that buzz into a full-blown cacophony. All you have to do is hurt a few people. Badly.


Take out a hero


If we're going to work together, you have to understand one thing: I am not interested in being friends with you. You represent all that I've lost, and the only reason we're having this pleasant conversation is that we can help each other. I can get you the goods on certain "hero" types traveling in the Rogue Isles. You can take them out. You get to build your reputation and make a little cash, and I get some sense of... vindication? Solace? I enjoy it, anyway. That's all I know.

Mission Acceptance

I've learned that some sort of super-powered do-gooder is coming to the Rogue Isles shortly. I don't care who it is or why they're here; I just want them taken down. The first step is to find out more about the visit. You better start scouring the streets. Crimson Cove is the place to go.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat 10 Longbow

Clue: Travel orders

You stole these orders from a Longbow agent in Crimson Cove. They read:

"You have been selected as a member of the special detail tasked with protecting Aurora Borealis during her pending visit. Strictest security measures are in effect, no one outside of Longbow can learn of this assignment."


So, the hero coming to Nerva is Aurora Borealis. I knew her as Sister Psyche a few years ago, before she regained control of her own body and before I lost my powers. She was a self-righteous priss then, and I doubt she's improved much. I want to tear her down.

Get information about Aurora's arrival


Aurora Borealis is coming to Nerva Archipelago, and while she's there I intend to throttle her pretty little neck. But we need to know where she's coming, and when. Sounds like a job for Villain, eh? I want you to find out about Aurora's arrival from one of the Longbow bases in Hero Heights. Only problem is, you'll have to defeat everyone inside to ensure no one warns her off.

Mission Acceptance

Yes, I used to work alongside Aurora Borealis. That was before one of my "teammates" robbed me of my powers and left me to this pitiful existence, paying scum like you for the merest scraps of vengeance.

In Hero Heights, it appears, Longbow occasionally forgets to lock the door.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all Longbow agents
  • Get info about Aurora's arrival

Clue: Longbow e-mail

You downloaded this e-mail from a Longbow computer. It reads:

"Upon arrival, Aurora Borealis will adress the Corps at Liberty Isle. Please have everyone ready to receive her."


You've done it! We now know exactly where Aurora's arriving -- at Liberty Isle! Now all that's left is to take her down.

Take down Aurora Borealis


According to the info you stole, Aurora's just arrived at Liberty Isle. Now, don't blow this, Villain. For me, all this is a chance to make sure Paragon City doesen't forget the Dark Maverick. I guess a decent shrink would say there's nothing here for me but the past. But for you, this is a shot at a bright future. Take down Aurora Borealis, and everyone will want you working for them. We're talking big money, and a rep that's certain to get Arachnos on your side. So take her dow, Villain. Take her down hard.

Mission Acceptance

She won't go down easy, so bring back up. When you come back, I'm going to want details.

Mission Objective(s)

Clue: Clue Title







Mission Acceptance


Mission Objective(s)

  • Objective

Clue: Clue Title




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