Imperial City Photograph

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Belladonna Vetrano sent you a digital photo that was taken of you fighting against the IDF in Imperial City. The photo was distributed throughout the Resistance and also put in a news article written by Robert Flores regarding the occupation of Imperial City. It reminds you of an experience you call...

The Emperor's Sword

Belladonna Vetrano of the Resistance asked for your help in taking down Praetor Sinclair. You stormed his skyscraper and rescued Provost Marchand, who informed you that Sinclair and Black Swan left on a mission to revive Shadow Hunter and retrieve Excalibur.

You went to Night Ward to stop Shadow Hunter's revival, but were too late. You were able to track Shadow Hunter to the Midnighter Mansion, where you and Pendragon fought against the beast. Pendragon was also looking for Excalibur and promised to help fight against Cole should he retrieve it.

The two of you fought against the Black Knights to obtain an amulet needed to summon the Lady of the Lake. The sword and the Lady of the Lake were in Night Ward, but had become corrupted by the area, a fact Pendragon discovered after the cursed sword took him over. Black Swan was now in control of 'Nega-Pendragon' and ordered him to kill you while she attacked the Carnival of Light. You were able to fight off Nega-Pendragon and found out from Belladonna that several allies of the Resistance held off Black Swan.

Belladonna explained that Nega-Pendragon and Sinclair were now in Imperial City, working together to push back the invasion front. You made your way into Imperial City to help shift the tide in favor of the Resistance while helping Desdemona recover the 'good' Pendragon. You also did battle with Praetor Sinclair, forcing him to flee and relinquish Imperial City over to the forces of Primal Earth and the Resistance.

Now, all that remains of Tyrant's regime is in the Magisterium, where Cole himself awaits...